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Real life, problem solving, exclusive blogs that would be helpful for the web developers.


The Four Pillars of Object Oriented Programming

OOP is a programming paradigm that computer programmers must encounter in their life. This article assumes you are already familiar with Class & Objects. To enhance your OOP understanding four pillars are worth discussing. So, let's jump into the details:...

Suppress PHPCS Warnings Using Comments

PHPCS (code sniffer) is a great tool for linting & checking your codes against the set of rules. Along with PHPCS, as WordPress folk, we use WordPress coding standards (WPCS) as well. It is very useful to maintain coding standards, ensure output escaping, nonce...

Factory Method Design Pattern with Example in PHP

Factory Method is one of the creational design pattern. In simple words, we can say: factory method is a creational design pattern that is mainly focused on object creation in an abstract way from sub-classes. It means we will let the sub-class to create object of...

MySQL group_concat explanation with real example

MySQL group_concat is an aggregate function that join multiple strings into one single string. Some time we may need to show retrieve data as a unit. For example we can take WordPress post and categories. A post can have multiple categories. So if we want to retrieve...

Receive Incoming Webhook Data

Today I gonna share how can we receive data from webhook in PHP. It’s just a cinch but sometime feels really tricky. Webhook:  Webhook is very useful way of getting update from external system. It notify when something happened on webhook server side....


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